What Are Physician Assistant Requirements?

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Many physician assistant programs if not most require 2 years of college as well as some health care experience. Physician assistant requirements in all states stipulate that an accredited program be completed and that a National exam be passed in order to obtain a license.

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How is What Are Physician Assistant Requirements?

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This exam is the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam that is provided by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA.) This exam is only available to graduates of certified programs. In order to remain certified include completing 100 hours of medical education every 2 years. Every 6 years they must take an exam to become re-certified or complete another program and a take home exam.

If a physician assistant (PA) wants to hone his/her skills on a more specific area of study, there are other requirements. They have the opportunity to complete further study in pediatrics, neurology, surgery, just to name a few areas. Many people previously worked as nurses or in some other medical capacity then look into physician assistant requirements to see if they have the right background and what they would need to do in order to become certified PAs.

For those who meet the conditions and complete the required education and testing they can expect to find work in doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient care centers, health maintenance organizations, the government, colleges, universities, or even schools. Physician assistants can work independently and some do have more than one job at a time. The opportunity for part time work also exists for those who have met the requirements.

State laws dictate the job responsibilities for PAs. Some are able to write prescriptions in some areas and in some they are not. Becoming certified will require study, hard work, and a background that is well suited for the job. The job growth in this industry is expected to continue to grow for years to come and that makes this a very worthwhile field of study to pursue.

Whether you have worked in another field and want to make a change in career or if you are deciding for the first time the area of study that you wish to become involved in. Physician assistant requirements can be met with dedication and a desire to help others. Louis Zhang, Certphysicianassistant dot com.

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